50,000 Words in 30 Days

This weekend I decided to take part in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). For those who are not familiar (myself included) it means I’ve committed myself to write an entire novel of 50,000 words during the month of November. Apparently it’s a really big deal. Some folks on Twitter are about to explode with excitement. I chose to participate as a way to motivate myself to complete Novel 2. Currently Novel 2 is around 61,000 words, so if I add another 50,000 words I should have a complete novel that will be ready for revisions after the first of the year.

I’ve neglected Novel 2 recently. A lot of attention has gone into the critique of Novel 1 and getting is professionally proofed before querying. I considered letting Novel 2 sit idly in my hard drive for an indefinite amount of time. As I’ve said before, why rush to complete the second when there’s no guarantee that the first will be well received. Luckily positive feedback on the first has once again bolstered my confidence. Plus, I really need to keep writing. NaNoWriMo is just what I need.

I am terribly unprepared for NaNoWriMo. I haven’t prepped for it as others have, and I’m not buzzing with excitement. I’m so friggin tired from my day job that I still question my decision to participate. But, if this is what I want to do (write full-time instead of sitting in a beige office listening to men belch all day; sorry, today was particularly trying) then I’ve got to tap into that discipline I had at the start of the year.

So wish me luck people. I will keep you abreast of my progress … good or bad. Hopefully, I will have a 111,000 word manuscript by the end of the month. Now, let me close my eyes as the theme song from “Rocky” plays in my head….