I Need Someone to Take My Virginity: Worth the Wait Excerpt 2

Here is another excerpt from Chapter 1 of Worth the Wait. You all met the asshole, Charles, in last week’s excerpt. Now Tasha has called her sister Angie to update her on the horrible date and her idea to get rid of her virginity. Enjoy!


“I want to lose my virginity before my birthday.”

“Tasha, your birthday is next weekend. You’ve broken up with Charles, for a good reason, but now you’re single. How are you going to lose your virginity?”

“I can find someone to take it.”

Angie laughed. “Are you crazy? You can’t just get some random guy to sleep with you. Okay, let me rephrase that. You don’t need to find some random guy to sleep with you.”

Tasha laughed. “It won’t be random. I’ll find someone I know.”

When Angie spoke again all humor was out of her voice. “Tasha, I’m serious. Don’t even consider doing that. You want your first time to be special. It should be with the man you marry.”

WTW CoverTasha thought about her last few dates. All were smart, successful, and generally nice guys—Charles excluded. But they hadn’t been ready for the commitment that came with dating a woman who was saving herself for marriage.

“Angie, I know you’re trying to help, but I think I’m serious. I can’t have this hanging over me anymore. It’s got to go.”

There was a pause before Angie continued. “Look, it’s getting late and you’re upset. Will you promise not to do anything rash.” The rumbling of her brother-in-law’s voice echoed in the background. It was time to end the call before he chimed in.

“Look, Angie, I’m sorry for waking you guys up. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She tossed the phone on the couch beside her. She understood Angie’s concerns. They both had witnessed friends sleep with idiots in high school and college, mainly because they fancied themselves in love, or they thought the guy they slept with was interested in a long-term relationship. But if she took matters into her own hands and picked a guy with no foolish expectations, she wouldn’t fall into the same trap. She only wanted someone who would rid her of the nuisance, and that only required one sexual encounter.

If she did this, it would have to be someone who was good in bed. She didn’t want her first time to be with someone who didn’t know how to make it enjoyable for her—at least to some extent. It would also have to be someone she had no intention of falling in love with because emotions had no place in the situation. It would just be a simple transaction.

She frowned. That made it sound horrible. It would just be casual, one-time-only sex. That’s all. Feeling better with that clarification, she returned to her list of characteristics. He would have to be discreet. She didn’t want everyone to know she was looking for someone to take her virginity. She wasn’t ashamed of being a virgin, but she didn’t want to flaunt it either. He would also have to understand this was a one-time deal. She wasn’t trying to become some guy’s booty call. A guy who expected a steady series of hook ups was out of the question.

Tasha sighed and mentally went through the list of men she knew. Where would she find a discreet, non-committal guy who was good in bed and she respected enough to give her virginity to? Who was someone with whom she could never, ever fall in love?

She sat up suddenly. “Yes. He would be perfect!”


Well, what do you think? Oh, and did you notice the new cover art I slipped in the post! I love it!