Last week I received the uncorrected pdf proof of my novel. Basically, it is what the title indicates, an early proof of what my book with look like. I’m torn between excitement and terror. I’ve asked a few people to review this early copy, and of course I’m nervous about what will be said. For some strange reason, my brain filled with all of the things I could have changed, done better, elaborated on, cut out, yada, yada, yada…the list goes on. Finally my husband–once again–talked me down from the ledge and sanity returned to my household.
I’m sure these nervous intentions are normal for other writers. Or, I tell myself this so that I don’t feel so wierd. I love my book, and deep down I know I worked very hard to make it good. So all I can do is sit back and see what happens.
In the meantime, I’m busily working on my third manuscript. My second is going through chapter reviews with critique partners. The three books have characters that are tied to each other, but they all serve as stand alone novels. I’m looking forward to getting these stories out soon.
What’s next, I’m anxioulsy awaiting the cover art for You Can’t Plan Love. The Crimson covers have been beautiful, and I really like the new July covers. Yet, my fingers are still tightly crossed in hopes that I feel the same about mine. Even though I had some say so, the design is up to them. This I don’t mind, because I really didn’t want to go through the process of finding a cover artist if I would have self published.
Closer to the date–I did tell you the release date is August 20th right?–the e-book will be available for pre-order on Amazon, B&N and iTunes. It’ll show up on Goodreads and those living in my little 2,000 sqft castle will think mommy’s really gone mad.
But, that’s why God created wine, and books to distract you while drinking wine, and wonderful husbands to talk crazy wives from imaginary ledges.
Congrats on the coming release, Synithia!
Thanks so much! I’m very excited about it.
LOL!! You’re so cute! Very Excited for you!
Thanks so much, Abby!