Today I’d like you all to meet fellow Crimson Romance author, and Scandal expert, K.M. Jackson. I met K.M. through the Crimson author’s loop, and later we bonded via Twitter and her awesome recaps of the ABC show Scandal on the Heroes and Heartbreakers blog. K.M.’s first book, Through the Lens was a sexy tale that combined a hot photographer on a tropical island, today she’s here to give us an update on her latest book, Seduction’s Canvas
. Now doesn’t that name sound tempting? Enjoy!
Welcome, K.M., thanks for agreeing to do an interview on my blog!
Thank you for having me. I’m honored to be here.
Well, I know you’re a writer and you’re an expert in recapping television, but tell us more about yourself?
I like to say I’m a former fashionista now trying her hand at the writing game. What that means is I’m a former fashion designer and mother of teen twins who now makes writing her full time career.
In my mind, I’m going to grow up and become a fashionista. So it’s interesting to go from fashion to writing. Describe your journey to becoming published?
I started to write after leaving my job in fashion to stay at home with my then school age children and then poof! Ten years later I’m an overnight success. LOL.
Talk about perseverance! I’m glad you didn’t quit. Tell me about your latest book.
SEDUCTION’S CANVAS is the story of Samara and Mark. Two unlikely neighbors with a surprising past. It’s a classic story of opposites attract with twist. Here is a blurb from SEDUCTION’S CANVAS:
“I want to paint you” Artist Samara Leighton had wanted to say those words to the sexy motorcycle rider ever since she first laid eyes on him nearly a year ago.
“Honey, you don’t have enough paint to cover me.” Security specialist Mark Thorn didn’t mean to come off hard. As a matter of fact, he wanted nothing more than to let the tempting artist do whatever she wanted to him and then some.
Samara knew this was her only chance to live out her long-standing fantasy and she wasn’t going to let it slip through her fingers. She had little time before her show was done and the pressure of her family legacy meant finally living out life under the umbrella of the Leighton name and its responsibilities.
There would be no more lazy museum afternoons or evenings spent lost in the magic of color and her canvases. And definitely no time spent holding tight to the muscular form of her dark rider while the horrors of her past and her cares drifted further away with each mile of road they covered.
I love that line, “Honey, you don’t have enough paint to cover me.” Talk about hot! What is your favorite scene, and why?
I love when Samara and Mark first meet. We get to see how they each describe each other and how they see each other when they think the other is not looking. It’s very in their own heads and real.
Going back to your background in fashion, does that inspire your writing?
It does. I’m a very visual person and I do try and bring things across as visually as possible. This series also touches on my fashion background by featuring heroines working in creative fields. I’m happy to say that my last book in the series will feature a fashion designer, so she should be fun to write.
Now earlier you mentioned you started writing when you stayed home with the kids. I know your kids are bigger now, but it’s can still be hard to find time to write. When do you make time for writing?
Ideally I would write everyday, but it doesn’t always happen with life’s other commitments, not to mention editing of other books, promo and such but I have found that there is no time off for a writer so I’m always at work in my head plotting and working on the next thing.
I can agree with that. Even on vacation I’m coming up with new story ideas. Last fun question, if money were no object what hobby would you have?
I guess first would be traveling. There are so many places around the world that I’d like to see. I’d like t travel and write my stories as I go. And if money were no object I would take as a 2nd hobby collecting fabulous accessories along the way. I do love a good bag.
Aha! You can take the lady out of the fasion industry, but can’t take the love of fashion out of the lady! Or something like that, lol. Tell everyone how they can find you online?
SEDUCTION’S CANVAS can be ordered at AMAZON here:
I can be found on my website at:
or on Facebook at:
And on Twitter :
Great! Thanks for interview, K.M.!
Thank you so much for having me, Synithia. What a huge treat!
About K.M. Jackson
A native New Yorker, K.M. Jackson had two dreams for what she wanted to be when she “grew up”: 1. a fashion designer and 2. a writer.
After graduating from high school, she pursued her first dream and studied fashion design at New York’s FIT. She then spent ten years designing for various New York houses. But after years of juggling the oh-so-glam world of mid-market fashion along with being a mother of twins, K.M. took the leap of faith and decided to pursue her other long-held dream of being a writer.
She currently lives in a suburb of New York with her husband, teen twins, and her precocious terrier named Jack who keeps her on her toes. You can find her most days on her blog at
Thanks so much for having me here today, Synithia. It was so much fun.
Thanks, K.M.! I enjoyed having you visit 🙂
Hi Synithia- I recently read this book and need to write my review but I very much enjoyed it. Nice interview!
I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the book, Aja! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much for reading it Aja and I’m thrilled you enjoyed it.
[…] having a lovely one. Please join me today over at fellow Crimsonista, Synithia Williams blog where she interviews me and I’m talking about a few a my favorite things: Fashion, Art & […]
Loved the interview and learning more about you and your books, Kwana.
Thanks so much Delaney 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Delaney!
Fun interview Synithia and Kwana! I love the fact that we get to do everything from reading magazines to watching movies and traveling as research for our craft. But the idea of riding a motorcycle terrifies me. Don’t know if I would have been able to do that. But it sounds like a memorable experience.
Thanks Reese. Riding that bike was something I’ll never forget. I was so scared but glad I did it and proud of myself.
I rode my hubb’s cycle to the stop sign on out stree and that was too far, lol! Kudos to you, K.M. Thanks for stopping by, Renee!