My Publishing Decision is Made

Okay so I’ve been going back and forth with myself about self publishing or querying. On one hand there is a lot of talk about the changing of the publishing tide and that authors who decide to go the traditional route are crazy, on the other hand is the established right of passage that requires begging and pleading for someone to approve and publish your novel. Maybe begging and pleading is a bit of an exaggeration, but it does seem that going the traditional route will result in some rejection from either an agent or an editor. So as I complete a year of revisions on my first manuscript I feel it’s time for me to make a decision about my manuscript’s future. So I did. I’ve decided to query and try the traditional route.

Please, please hold your applause … or your boos. This wasn’t an easy decision, but for me its the right decision. I can’t just self publish my book without knowing what the “gatekeepers” feel about it. Call me crazy, or call me a glutton for punishment, but I want to know if my writing has what it takes to attract an agent or editor. The feedback I get, good or bad, will only improve my writing. Or at least in my perfect world it will. I’ve spent a lot of time reading some good and not-so-good novels between my edits–self  and traditionally published–and I want my novel to be one of the good ones. Yes, a part of me likes praise, and to get praise from an agent or editor would be something I appreciate. If that’s vain of me, then oh well. More than likely I’ll get a bunch of rejections that will make me want to sit in a corner eating ice cream and crying, but once I’ve inhaled a gallon of Blue Belle I’ll get over it and get ready to work on improving my writing. I’m not trying to just polish my current work and sell, sell, sell. I want to polish my work to the best of my abilities before seeing if more could be done to improve it. My hope, is that through querying I’ll further polish my writing.

For those who may not know, I am apt to change my mind at a moments notice. And I have been known to do something completely opposite of what I’ve said I would do. So I will not rule out self-publishing after 6 months to a year of rejections. Am I taking my future rejections too lightly, probably, but there is no need to pump myself up with unwarranted enthusiasm that the first editor to read my work will sign me to a multi-book deal. I hope to take any rejection in stride–stay tuned to future blogs to see–and continue to improve. So while my manuscript is being proofed as part of my final edits, I will begin researching who I will query first. My fingers are crossed that I don’t gain 15 lbs due to  inhaling ice cream in a corner.