My 1st Conference and USA Today Spotlight

Last weekend I attended the Georgia Romance Writers’ Moonlight and Magnolia’s (M&M) conference. It was my first writer’s conference. I found the entire experience exciting, challenging and inspiring. It was great to talk to authors at different stages in their career. One’s who’ve published multiple books and can offer advice, and ones who aren’t published yet and think what I’ve done is great—which is still kinda weird because I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.

I could write an entire blog post about the great things at the conference but I’ll give you a quick few: meeting writers I’ve only met online and discovering they’re even cooler in person, having an “aha” moment for a manuscript I’ve struggled with, and getting a bunch of swag which included books. Each one of these deserves its own blog post…which I will not write because you probably don’t want to read those.

So things couldn’t possibly get better for me, little debut writer. Until Monday morning when Michelle Monkou spotlighted my book in her blog on USA Today!

*country girl alert* Lawd-a-mercy! Praise Jesus! (slaps thigh) I declare!

My Monday could not get any better after seeing that. I’m just plain happy.  Sometimes a simple word is all I need to sum up my feelings and yes y’all, right now I’m happy. My muse is reignited from the boost that came from M&M and the spotlight on Monday. Who could ask for anything more?

The swag in our welcome bag!

I met online friend Sharon Cooper and made a new writer friend in Alicia McCalla

I had a great critique session with Hildie McQueen and Ciara Knight! Can’t wait to read their novels!

In case you missed the USA Today link: